BBC【6 Minute English/The English We Speak】の和訳で英語を学ぶ

英語学習がライフワークの会社員が、BBCの素晴らしいコンテンツ 6 Minute English/The English We Speak を解きほぐして理解していく記録

【6min】The Health Benefits of Apples

BBC6 Minute English/The English We Speak】の和訳で英語を学ぶ」ブログへようこそ。


今回のエピソード The health benefits of apples 230223

Introduction はじめに

As the proverb says: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We’ll hear from an expert about the latest research on the benefits of apples and teach you related vocabulary to help you talk about this topic.



This week's question 今週の質問

Over the centuries, hundreds of different apple varieties have been grown in orchards up and down the country, some with quite unusual names. So, which of the following is the name of a real type of English apple?


  1. a) a Taylor’s gold
  2. b) a Golden pippin
  3. c) a Black Worcester.

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.



Vocabulary ボキャブラリー

short sentence or expression giving some well-known, traditional advice or common sense



slightly hungry



unusual and exciting, often because it comes from a faraway place 



trim the waistline
keep a healthy body weight with no extra fat around the waist



able to be used for many purposes, or in many different ways



in good shape
in a good state of health; in a good condition




Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

こんにちは。BBC Learning Englishの6 Minute Englishです。私はニールです。

And I’m Sam.


English has many proverbs – short and well-known phrase giving a piece of useful advice, or common sense. For example, the proverb, “Actions speak louder than words” means that what people do is more important than what they say.

英語にはたくさんのことわざがあります。ことわざとは、短くよく知られたフレーズで、役に立つアドバイスや常識の一端を示すものです。例えば”Actions speak louder than words”ということわざは、人が何を言うかよりも何をするかが重要だということを意味しています。

And the proverb, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” advises people not to form opinions about people based on how they look.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”ということわざは、人を見た目で判断してはいけないということですね。

Proverbs are found in many cultures and languages, and are often passed down through the generations to teach children lessons in life. One famous English proverb is: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

ことわざは多くの文化や言語に存在し、子どもたちに人生の教訓を教えるために世代を超えて受け継がれることが多いものです。英語の有名なことわざのひとつに、"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"(1日1個のリンゴは医者を遠ざける)というものがあります。

In other words, eating fresh fruit is good for you. But is it really true? Can eating an apple a day actually have significant health benefits? That’s the question we’ll be discussing in this programme, and as usual, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well.


But before that I have a question for you, Sam. Most proverbs come from a place’s history, and England has a long history of growing apples. Over the centuries, hundreds of different apple varieties have been grown in orchards up and down the country, some with quite unusual names. So, which of the following is the name of a real type of English apple? Is it:


  1. a)    a Taylor’s gold?
  2. b)    a Golden pippin? or
  3. c)    a Black Worcester?

I don’t know but I think it’s b) a Golden pippin. 


OK, Sam. I’ll reveal the answer later in the programme. But whatever the name of the apple, new scientific research is showing that there really are health benefits to eating apples, especially with the skins on. Apple skins are full of good stuff: fibre, vitamins, and especially flavonoids - a chemical compound known to reduce blood pressure and improve brain and heart health.


No wonder then, that when Dr Michael Mosley, presenter of BBC Radio 4 programme, Just One Thing, wanted a snack to eat, he reached for an apple.

BBC Radio 4の番組「Just One Thing」の司会者であるマイケル・モズレー博士が、おやつを食べたいと思ったときにリンゴを手に取ったのも不思議ではありません。

Dr Michael Mosley
It's early afternoon and I'm a bit peckish, so I'm about to grab a delicious snack that could improve my blood flow, boost my brain, and trim my waistline. This is not some exotic superfood. In fact, it's an apple.


Dr Mosley wanted something to eat because he was peckish -  a little bit hungry. He wanted something healthy, but chose an apple instead of exotic superfoods like blueberries or a banana smoothie. If you call something exotic, you mean it’s unusual and exciting, often because it comes from an unfamiliar place.


Instead, he ate the least exotic fruit I can imagine - the humble apple. But Dr Mosely thinks apples do have health benefits, and he lists them: apples improve blood flow, boost the brain, and trim the waistline – a phrase which means to keep a healthy body weight with no extra fat.


Yes, one reason apples are so good for us is that the skin is packed with flavonoids which help people lose weight, and have even been linked to a longer life. But that’s not all. It’s the fact that there are so many different ways of cooking and eating apples which makes them one of the nation’s favourite foods. Here’s Dr Mosley again explaining how he likes to eat his apples to Just One Thing on BBC Sounds.

そう、りんごが体にいい理由のひとつは、りんごの皮にはフラボノイドがたくさん含まれていて、ダイエットや長寿に効果があると言われているからです。でもそれだけではありません。りんごは、さまざまな調理法や食べ方ができるため、国民的な人気食品となっているのです。BBC SoundsのJust One Thingで、モズレー博士が再びリンゴの食べ方について説明しているところです。

Dr Michael Mosley
What I love about apples is they are so versatile. I've been snacking on them, grating them into my porridge, and having them sliced with full fat yoghurt as a dessert. But baked apples are one of my favourite ways to consume them. It seems an apple a day really does keep the doctor away, and also keep your heart, gut and even your waistline in good shape.


Dr Mosley eats apples in porridge, sliced with yogurt, and even baked in the oven. He describes them as versatile – things which can be used for many different purposes, or in many different ways. What’s more, cooking or baking apples doesn’t damage those healthy flavonoids, so even the occasional apple crumble with custard can be good for you!


Apple crumble and custard! I’m not so sure that’s a way to get in good shape – a phrase meaning ‘healthy’ or ‘in good condition’

アップルクランブルとカスタード!「健康な」「良い状態の」という意味の言葉である” in good shap”になる方法とは思えないんだけど。.

But, Neil, it seems the old proverb is true – according to the science, an apple a day really does keep the doctor away! Right, it’s time to reveal the answer to your question.


Yes, I asked you about the strange sounding names given to some varieties of English apple.


And I said that a ‘Golden pippin’ was the name of a real apple. So, was I right?


Yes you were! Golden pippin apples were first grown in Arundel, near the south coast of England, while the other two - Black Worcester and Taylor’s gold – are actually types of English pear. Right, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned from this programme, starting with proverb – a short sentence or expression giving some well-known, traditional advice.


If you’re feeling peckish, you’re slightly hungry.


The adjective exotic describes something which is unusual and exciting, often because it comes from a faraway place.


The phrase trim the waistline means to keep your body weight healthy with no extra fat around your waistline – the area of your body above the hips.

 trim the waistlineという表現は、ウエストライン(お尻の上の部分)に余分な脂肪をつけずに、健康的な体重を維持することを意味します。

Something which is versatile can be used for many purposes, or in many different ways.

versatile なものは、いろいろな目的に、あるいはいろいろな方法で使うことができます。

And finally, if someone is in good shape, they’re in a good state of health. Once again, our six minutes are up. Bye for now!

最後に in good shape人は、健康状態が良いということですね。もう一度言いますが、私たちの6分間はこれで終了です。それでは、さようなら

