BBC【6 Minute English/The English We Speak】の和訳で英語を学ぶ

英語学習がライフワークの会社員が、BBCの素晴らしいコンテンツ 6 Minute English/The English We Speak を解きほぐして理解していく記録

【6min】How Culture Affects Sadness

BBC【6 Minute English/The English We Speak】の和訳で英語を学ぶ」ブログへようこそ。

今回のエピソードHow culture affects sadness 230413

BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / How culture affects sadness


Introduction はじめに

How does culture influence the way you feel and show sadness? Neil and Sam will be investigating how the way people express sadness is influenced by their culture, and, as usual, we’ll be learning some new, useful vocabulary as well.


This week's question 今週の質問

Which colour is associated with sadness? Is it: 悲しみに関連する色はどれでしょうか:

  1. a) yellow? 黄色
  2. b) blue? or, 青
  3. c) brown? 茶色

Listen to the programme to find out the answer. 



(to be) down in the dumps
feel miserable and depressed



(to be) fed up
feel unhappy, bored, or tired, especially of something you have been experiencing for a long time



intense and thoughtful sadness



strong feeling of sadness, especially caused by someone’s death



unable to show your true feelings and emotions



stiff upper lip
not showing your feelings when you are upset, even though it is difficult not to




Note: This is not a word-for-word transcript.


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Sam.

こんにちは。BBC Learning Englishの6 Minute Englishです。私はサムです。

And I’m Neil. When Helen Russell was three years old, her new-born baby sister died suddenly. Looking back at that sad time, Helen remembers making a big decision – she wanted to be happy. She became a bestselling author and wrote a book called, The Atlas of Happiness. She got married, and even moved to the famously happy city of Copenhagen in Denmark.

僕はニールです。Helen Russellが3歳のとき、生まれたばかりの妹が急死しました。Helenはその悲しい時期を振り返り、「幸せになりたい」という大きな決断をしたことを思い出しています。彼女はベストセラー作家となり『The Atlas of Happiness』という本を書きました。そして結婚し、幸せの街として知られるデンマークコペンハーゲンに引っ越しました。

But the sadness Helen felt didn’t disappear, and the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England, into a culture where, traditionally, expressing your emotions was discouraged.


In this programme, we’ll be investigating how the way people express sadness is influenced by their culture, and, as usual, we’ll be learning some new, useful vocabulary as well.


But first I have a question for you, Neil. In English there are many idioms which describe being sad, including down in the dumps, meaning that you feel miserable and depressed. Also, emotions are often associated with colours, for example you might go red with anger, or turn green with envy. But which colour is associated with sadness? Is it:

その前にニールに質問があります。英語には悲しいことを表すイディオムがたくさんあります。例えばdown in the dumpsは、惨めで落ち込んだ気分であるという意味です。また感情には色がつきものです。例えば怒りで赤くなったり、妬みで緑になったりしますよね。しかし、悲しみからはどの色が連想されるでしょうか?

  1. a) yellow?
    b) blue? or,
    c) brown?

I think the answer is blue.


OK, Neil. We’ll find out the later in the programme. Around the world, cultures express emotions very differently. In Spain, flamenco performers express their emotions with colourful displays of song and dance, whereas in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful. To discover more about how British people express their feelings, Helen Russell interviewed, Thomas Dixon, a professor at the Centre for the History of Emotion, for BBC World Service programme, The Documentary:

OK、ニール。番組の後半で明らかにしますね。世界では文化の違いによって感情の表現が大きく異なります。スペインではフラメンコの踊り手は歌と踊りで感情を表現しますが、日本では泣くことは弱くて恥ずかしいことだと考えられています。Helen RussellはBBC World Serviceの番組「The Documentary」で、イギリス人の感情表現についてCentre for the History of EmotionのThomas Dixon教授にインタビューしました

Professor Thomas Dixon
The word sad, as you will know, Helen, literally means sated or full. So, it’s earliest use is in English, it means being literally fed up, being full of something sad or sated means heavy and full. And then of course we have this huge vocabulary of melancholy, sorrow, grief, depression and many, many other terms, and they all mean slightly different things.


Professor Dixon explains that the original meaning of the word sad was ‘full’ or fed up – a phrase which today means being unhappy, bored or tired of something which has been going on a long time. For example: everyone is fed up of Covid.

 Dixon教授は、sadという言葉の本来の意味は「たくさん」「うんざり」であり、今日では長い間続いていることに不満や退屈、疲れを感じることを意味する言葉であると言います。一例としては「みんなコロナにはうんざりしている(fed up)」というように使われます。

But fed up is just one of many words to describe feelings of sadness, each with a slightly different meaning. One of them is melancholy, a kind of intense and thoughtful sadness. Another is grief - a strong sadness often caused by the death of someone you love.

しかしfed upはsadな気持ちを表す多くの言葉のうちのひとつに過ぎず、それらの言葉はそれぞれ微妙に意味が異なります。そのひとつがmelancholyで激しく考え込むような悲しみです。またgriefは愛する人の死によって引き起こされることが多い強い悲しみです。

In Irish culture, melancholy is expressed artistically in poems or songs. And in other cultures, India for example, grief can be expressed by professional mourners who are paid to cry by the family of the person who has died. In England, however, big public displays of emotion are uncommon.


But according to Professor Dixon that wasn’t always the case. Here he explains to BBC World Service programme, The Documentary, how it was only quite recently, during the time of Queen Victoria and the British Empire, that the English got a reputation for being repressed - unable to show their true feelings and emotions.

しかしDixon教授によれば、常にそうであったわけではありません。BBC World Serviceの番組「The Documentary」で、彼はイギリス人が抑圧され、本当の気持ちや感情を表に出せないと言われるようになったのは、ごく最近、ヴィクトリア女王大英帝国の時代だったと説明しています。

Professor Thomas Dixon
By and large it's a Victorian, and then Edwardian, and 20th century characterization. As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people… in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.


Professor Dixon says the Victorians who ruled the empire had a stiff upper lip. These men believed they were better than everyone else, and that to cry was a sign of weakness. When we cry, our top lip starts to wobble and so this gave rise to the idiom a stiff upper lip, meaning to not show your feelings when you are upset, even though it is difficult not to.

Dixon教授によると帝国を支配したヴィクトリア朝の人々は、冷静で平然としていたそうです(had a stiff upper lip。彼らは自分らが他の誰よりも優れていて、泣くことは弱さの表れだと信じていました。泣くと上唇が震えるので、それが難しくても動揺しているときに感情を表に出さないようにすることを意味するa stiff upper lipという慣用句が生まれました。

Fortunately, most Brits are less repressed nowadays, but it’s still hard for some people, especially men, to express their feelings. Sometimes drinking alcohol gives people the courage to say what they are feeling, but this is not so healthy and can even increase feelings of depression.


It’s talking to someone about your feelings that can really help, and keep away the blues… and in saying that I think I’ve answered your question, Sam.

自分の気持ちを誰かに話すことは本当に助けになるし、憂さ晴らし(keep away the blues)にもなりますね。・・と言うことで、これでサムの質問に答えたことになるでしょうか。

I asked Neil which colour is often associated with feeling sad.


And I said it was blue…


Which was… the correct answer, and it gives us another idiom about sadness – feeling blue. OK, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned from this programme about the emotion of sadness, or in other words, feeling down in the dumps.

はい、青で・・・正解です!悲しみに関する別のイディオム、feeling blueも出てきましたね。ではこの番組で学んだ「悲しい」という感情、つまりfeeling down in the dumpsという感情に関する語彙を復習してみましょう。

If you are fed up of something, you’re unhappy, bored, or tired of it, especially if it’s been happening a long time.


Melancholy is a type of intense and thoughtful sadness; and grief is a strong sadness usually caused by someone’s death


The adjective repressed means unable to show your true feelings and emotions.


And finally, the uniquely British idiom, to keep a stiff upper lip, means not to show your feelings when you’re upset, even though it is difficult not to. Hiding your feelings or bottling them up is definitely won’t make you happy, but making friends and learning something new might, so remember to join us again soon, here at 6 Minute English. Bye for now!

そして最後にイギリスならではの慣用句to keep a stiff upper lipは、動揺しているときに感情を表に出さないという意味です。自分の気持ちを隠したり溜め込んだりすることは、間違いなくあなたを幸せにしません。でも友達を作ったり、新しいことを学んだりすることは、あなたを幸せにしてくれるかもしれませんよ。というわけで、また6 Minute Englishでお会いしましょう。それではまた。

